our lady of compassion feast day

Each Communion is a mystery of your love for us and a grace which you obtain and bestow on us. The object of these feasts is the spiritual martyrdom of the Mother of God and her compassion with the sufferings of her Divine Son. Mary, My Mother, yours is a queenship of conquest. When the Persons of the Blessed Trinity gaze on you, the Immaculate One, most pure, most beautiful, supremely pleasing to eternal love, what can they refuse you? He found joy in God, His Heavenly Father, and in the Holy Spirit, joy in all the wonderful perfections of God. The Nativity and the Crucifixion were as one action. 2. You see me, smile on me, listen to me, stretch your arms out to me, because you hear my prayer and, like a mother, you are anxious to help your child. Liturgical feast Our Lady of Compassion. Happy Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe! In that moment the mystery of love and mercy, promised to mankind thousands of years earlier foretold by so many prophets, desired by so many saints, was accomplished upon earth. All those whose Queen you are have learnt of Jesus that they must call you Mother and ask your help. You became the Mother of God without ceasing to be a virgin, and your happy fruitfulness only consecrated and increased your purity. Although it is true that Jesus in glory, by means of His divine wounds, is our intercessor before the Father and all God's gifts come to us through His merits, you are the all-powerful suppliant, through whom every prayer reaches up to Him and every grace comes down. He was endowed by God with all a father's tenderness and love for Him who was confided to him as his Child. Interestingly, in 1482, the feast was officially placed in the Roman Missal under the title of "Our Lady of Compassion," highlighting the great love our Blessed Mother displayed in suffering with her Son. I see you offering Him to the heavenly Father in the temple for our salvation. During His lifetime Jesus cured sickness and disease and even raised the dead to life, because people asked Him to do so in prayer. Even though my past sinfulness may have made me unworthy to appear before God, I trust that you will appeal to God in my behalf as the Mother of Divine Grace. You saw the cross raised and heard the mob, not yet satisfied with their bloody work, continue to torment their dying Victim. Parting with your dying Son was the height of your sorrow. Pray for us Christians who sigh to you in this vale of tears so that we may be comforted, enlightened, strengthened, guided, and finally saved! When you heard Jesus utter these words and saw Him bow His head and die, you died a spiritual death. 3. You were descended from the most renowned men of that nation and counted among your ancestors patriarchs prophets, leaders of the people of God and kings of the ancient law. You love me with a love that is greater than the love of my own mother; you love me with the very love with which you love Jesus, since all your children form but one body with Him. I firmly believe that He will hear my prayer also, if this should be the Will of God. Mary, My Mother, during all eternity it will be one of our greatest joys to admire the infinite love of God for you whose Son He willed to be, just as He is in all truth the Son of the Father. The prayers of the saints avail only in a limited way. Finally, they remind me of the everlasting glory of all the saints in Heaven united with your own glory and that of your Son. While you bore the Author of all things in your womb, and your heart was beating quickly with love, adoration and longing, still your face told nothing of this, and no one knew that such marvellous things were taking place in you. Your eyes are the eyes of a good Mother, ever watchful to notice the need of your children, just as you looked out for the young couple at the marriage feast of Cana. Mary, Mother of God, in your own lifetime you showed that you are truly our Mother of Perpetual Help. Our Lady of Guadalupe - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online Truly, you are "light-giving" because you have given us Jesus, the Light of the World. He saved us by offering to the justice of God perfect atonement for our sins. Mary, Mother of God, sincere devotion to you is a sign of perseverance in doing good till death. You willingly became the Mother of Jesus when you answered the message of the Archangel Gabriel with the words "Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to thy word" (Luke 36, 38). Your heart and His burned with one flame of love to the glory of the Father there at the altar. You know that you are the well-beloved Daughter of the Father, you embrace the Son; you are united to the Holy Spirit with a simplicity, a confidence, and a delicacy of love which belong to you alone, for in you alone there cannot be the remembrance of a moment in which you were opposed to God. On this occasion you bore your share of the penalty allotted to woman: "In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children.". You thought only of praising Him as your greatest Benefactor when you exclaimed, "My soul praises the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my SaviorFor He who is mighty has done great things for me." Joseph could rest assured and marry you, his betrothed bride. Mary, Mother of God, you are Our Lady of Good Counsel because of the divine wisdom and prudence which you received from the Holy Spirit. When Jesus said to John, "Behold thy Mother," He wanted John to respect and to love you as his Mother. Mary, Mother of God, how sacred was the life of Jesus in your womb while you awaited His coming! Your name is the name of the one I love. Confidence fills my soul, for you were raised to this glory not for your own advantage only, but for that of your children also, in order to make us feel the effects of your powerful protection and intercession. I believe the doctrine of the Church concerning your Immaculate Conception, which teaches that at the first moment of your conception you were, by the singular grace and privilege of the omnipotent God, in virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Savior of the Human race, preserved from all stains of original sin. 16, 24). Mary, Mother of God, may the perfect gift of yourself to God through love in your presentation in the temple be an inspiration to me. Your fear arose entirely from your humility, which was disturbed at the sound of praises so far exceeding your own lowly estimate of yourself. We can lose our divine adoption, but you can never lose your divine maternity. You were chosen as Mother predestined before all creatures, filled with all grace, all virtue, all holiness so that the Son, infinitely pure, who in Heaven has an immortal and eternal Father, on earth has a Mother exempt from all sin. Pray to Him for us, your children, that in our exile we may resemble you, His most devoted follower, and at last may glorify Him in union with you forever. The first characteristic of humility of heart is a humble opinion of oneself. May your glorious example be imitated by countless youths and maidens who will give themselves to the Lord to carry on His work throughout the world. She told Juan to have a church built in her honor. Even your earthly sufferings were to deepen your sanctity. Mary, Mother of God, you are the Virgin most pure because you are the Immaculate Conception. December 9 marks the feast day of Saint Juan Diego and December 12, the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. You concealed even from your beloved spouse, Saint Joseph, the important fact that you were the chosen Mother of God, and you awaited God's good pleasure to reveal the great mystery to him. The offering of your Son was continued in each Holy Mass ever to be offered, in each Holy Communion ever to be received, in each act of adoration and prayer before the Sacred Host. The reredos is in gold relief, being copied from work in the chapel of the Duchess of Newcastle. I look to you for the grace of final perseverance and a happy death. He has reconciled us to God. The dignity of the divine maternity raised you above all the rest of creation. Since you are the Mother of men, God gave you a special knowledge of the needs of every Christian that you might help us to save our souls. Your ardent faith and intense love pierced that thin veil which separated you from your loving Son. I can best thank Jesus for His dying bequest by striving daily to become like John in his love and imitation of you. Yet no selfish thought, no bitter resentment has marred your beauty. Enlighten the beginning of my efforts, direct my progress, bring my completed work to perfection. But God has willed that you should be exempted from this general rule because, by an entirely singular privilege, you completely overcame sin by your Immaculate Conception. If I have been blessed with suffering, let me remember that this is the only way I can follow Jesus and you, for He said, "If any one wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me" (Matt. Mary, Mother of God, the joyful mysteries of your Holy Rosary remind me of the mysteries in which the Word was made flesh and you, the inviolate Virgin and Mother, performed your maternal duties with holy joy. In 1668 the feast in honor of the Seven Dolors was set for the Sunday after September 14, the Feast of the Holy Cross. And I did this, not under the sudden influence of passion, but deliberately with full knowledge of the act, of its horrible malice in the sight of God and of the terrible consequences in which it involved me. I need you desperately. In 2017/18, the most recent full school year, 4.8% of half-day . Hell is forced to bear the weight of your lasting hatred. All-powerful though He is, God could not bestow upon a creature a degree of honor higher than that conferred on you as the Mother of His Son. Mary, My Mother, there is no sin in you; in you there is only God's graceHis light, His splendor, His love, His unspeakable delight. more marvelous spirits; He could not have made anything more wonderful than a Mother of God. He made His taking of the role of Mediator dependent on your consent, and it was your motherly care, shown toward Him through life, which made Him ready for the sacrifice that reconciled the world to God. You have found uncreated grace, that is, God Himself became your Son; and with that grace you have found and obtained every created good. You are blessed because of the fullness of grace you received; blessed, because of the greatness of the mercy to be bestowed on you; blessed, because of the Majesty of the Person who was to take flesh of you; blessed, because of the glory which would become yours. Proclaim the Good News You were fully enlightened as to the greatness of the dignity of a Mother of God. Mary, Mother of God, I pour out to you the sorrows of my own troubled heart. Obtain for them that deep conviction of faith, that unwavering hope, that Jesus, Infinite Love, who died for them, will b completely ready to welcome them, to take them in His arms, press them to His Heart and once again say, "Father, forgive them . To you I entrust the preparation of my soul for the coming of my Savior on Christmas Day. All that God could give, He bestowed on you. Mary, My Mother, your apparition at Guadalupe as the Immaculate Conception is your only recorded appearance in North America. You did not try to square both predictions. Thus in consenting to the Incarnation, you cooperated directly in the redemption of the world, for the Incarnation was the first step in the work of our salvation.

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