elvenar guest race guide

And you will need at LOT of badges, so idling portal will definitely have an impact. Use the tabs along the bottom of the sheet to choose which chapter's quests you'd like to view. Blue items are production functions of particular buildings. As we said earlier, the battle element of the game is PvE and not PvP, but you will have a chance to attack certain provinces, should their demands be too much for you to keep up with. Now, I expect this to be one of the most useless buildings in the game. You can also check up the post about upgrades that are coming up. If you are an elf upgrading marble, youll likely end up dropping 1-2. Elvenaris a trademark of InnoGames GmbH. Return to Homepage | Join Us on Facebook. Again, for symmetry reasons we can assume roughly the same amounts of each. It was a place of prosperity and knowledge, where development reached the most unimaginable peak! Not only should you be working hard on the research aspect of the game, you should also be researching ahead of schedule. Notify if you are going to be absent for a while, Place a return date in your town name if you will be absent, Accept trades from your fellowship before neighbour trades, Polite chat avoid conversations that could be controversial, Required culture that which is needed to build/grow your town, Bonus culture used to obtain a bonus for coin and supplies, your fellowship can help with this, Type /w name to whisper to a person, if the person has 2 or more words in their name use quotes /w Their name, Type /who in the chat window will show you who is online at that time, Click the desired text (nothing visible happens), Right click that same text (a pop-up menu appears), Select Settings (a small Adobe Flash Player Settings dialog box appears), Click Close (Once it closes, the text you right clicked in Step 2 above will be highlighted and selected). Play now, and help us take Elvenar to new levels of excellency! However, now that the elves version of planks will match humans, they can now afford to drop the number of manufactories they carry down to match their human counterparts. Badges (in red) are the only guest race resources that are used in the tech tree, so this is the ultimate production item. We dont get the portal-like building until much later into the chapter, and we build 4 different production buildings: Culture that produces Mana will have a Mana icon on it in the build menu.. Or it might be entirely made up. Therefore, to create the best city in the entire kingdom is a task that a player must fulfill. As soon as a grafting site is built, start it into production. In C17, space for reseach good production is the limiting factor. If you find an error, let me know! Complete quests. The big unknown is ascended planks that will be needed for all of them. And if you can, there is absolutely no reason to build any of these except perhaps if there are any quests for that (for those who care). In the Woodelves chapter, we are introduced to a new game resource called Mana. Note that you will get this mandatory quest:. are also in this chapter for real-time help, sharing, and fun? On the other hand, if click frequency of portal productions is the limiting factor, the BTG can only effectively kick in at the Medals-to-Badges step and will not speed up the chapter as much. This will get increasingly difficult throughout the Woodelves chapter as the required amounts get higher and higher. point it will stop accruing until it is collected. Hopefully by the time you have acquired the necessary KP, youve been able to produce enough mana tears to begin building a few. And you can cut down on intermediate goods production time by expanding your settlement if you have a lot of space. You may even need to sell off some of your older culture to make room, and because you can afford to. Even at 5h queue most people will have some slippage, at least overnight. Knowing where you are is helpful so you know how to tell other players in the community When you have a day where youll have more time to play, set your workshops on a longer production run; 9 hrs or even 1 day. Amuni - Elvenar Wiki EN The wiki is a great place to learn game basics. Youll want to start out building several of them, so that. Elvenar is a trademark of InnoGames GmbH. Copy the text into your clipboard using Ctrl+C or whatever keyboard combination does that on a Mac. Given that all these assumptions are sketchy to begin with that wont be particularly surprising. Instead, youll go straight through the middle to the end, then back, above, and beneath. Even ascended goods are probably fine, even though it is not certain at this point. These are fairly sizable at 28-30 squares each, and not exactly cheap. It is slotted queue production, and that part is not unusual. It doesnt matter if you dont know any other people who play the game just keep on sending requests, making sure that youre sending them to those active alliances that have a lot of members in them. But, they are also a bit. I was wrong. and a lot of coins and supplies! The new size and shape is the same both elves and humans at 4x5. All original photos, images and articles are copyright to their respective owners and no copyright infringement is intended. And in this case, these are pretty much inputs into the production. Four or five is a good start, but dont stop there. how to find others to play with who are in the same world on the same server. Comments? Get a few upgraded so you can work on finishing up your new layout while you accumulate the KP needed for the residences, which do not change size or shape during this chapter. These documents are a work in progress and were designed to help and guide you through your gaming experience as well as provide detailed information about the game mechanics and stats. It is used to educate and share information, to improve the player's game and have more fun! This site is not affiliated or associated with InnoGames or Elvenarin any way. And in this chapter, you will be primarily spending sentient goods on upgrades, so not much is needed for anything else. Italian Guide from Cavalieri Dello Zombiaco, CrazyWizard's Guest Race Factory Suggestions, Google Spreadsheet from Dreams of Gerontius, Facebook Doc with Resource Thread from Platinum Leaf. I don't like that. iDavis Quest List: Quest list from iDavis. The steel grafting site is 3x2. We though that small ships in Chapter 17 were bad, but at least those had 3 hours productions. You will then need to build the gateway required for the race to come from the dimension, where their souls are roaming, into your city and connect it to your Main Hall. For game basics with a bit more explanation and some strategy advice thrown in, be sure And at most, youll need ~1,400% worth of PPs for the whole chapter. Pro-tip: You want to have a particular focus on culture buildings, as these buildings are necessary for your other structures to operate as smoothly as possible. Open to anyone and everyone who loves Elvenar! Make sure the message didn't get into spam folder! To unlock research in the Woodelves Chapter, or to upgrade your Forest Gladeyou'll need: To build the grafting sites, you'll need: To produce research goods or to upgrade your Forest Fabrications, you'll need: Refined Marble from Marble Grafting Site for Wood Ghosts, Refined Steel from Steel Grafting Site for Wind Chimes, Refined Planks from Planks Grafting Site for Treant Sprouts. And by base we mean mana and ascended goods (T7/A1). With 2 hour cycles many people will have noticeable intra-day slippage, nevermind overnight. Heck, even if you do already have 10, build more. Ascended Goods are essential for playing on this chapter's settlement, and will be important in the future as well. The forest glade is the Woodelves chapter equivalent to the other guest races' portals. You also need to make the right choice of troops when sending them off to battle. Introduction After helping the Dwarves and Fairies settle their age-old differences, you reach out to the Elves and Humans again in an attempt to intensify your relationships. Chapter 17 Guest Race is here: 'The Traders of Unur' | Facebook Here I will go through all different chapters that we have in the game and for each I will create a different content, covering their mechanics, strategies, ideal layouts, tips and much more! Gamers Gems of Knowledge All rights reserved. Have I seen you here before? Upgrade roads when able for the increased culture, often a single 1 x 1 culture building gives more culture then a road so you can put culture objects at the end of roads. Click the image below to start. Welcome to Elvenar For Apprentices BASIC STRATEGY Boosted Goods City Balance (Buildings) City Layout (Space Optimization) Culture Bonus Hotkeys Neighborly Help (Visiting) Trading TOURNAMENTS Tournament Calculator Marble Province Steel Province Planks Province Crystal Province Scrolls Province Silk Province Elixir Province Magic Dust Province Here are some tips for getting and keeping enough supplies to get through the chapter: Stock-piles are nice, but theres a time and a place to make them. Elvenar Chapter Quests - gemsofknowledge Elvenar, Humans and Elves are capped portal resources (orange in the diagram), while Medals (yellow), Elements (pink) and Badges (red) items are uncapped guest race resources. You must be able to produce more than your daily decay amount in order to keep up with the chapter requirements. It is a city building game where your objective is to create a flourishing fantasy city and discover the mysteries that lie in the world around you. Once the portal is upgraded, then finish any remaining upgrades for the fabrication buildings. When it comes to these titles, you are typically given quests or missions that you should complete in order to always be up to speed, with all the necessary buildings you need to have at any given time in the game. Lets even round it up to 2,000% given that you dont get L4 portal right away. Thats right, unless you refill production queue within 2 hours, portal will go idle. Register your account here! The planks grafting site is 3x3. Certainly let me know if there are other things that you know about the chapter. This means no less than: 20k Mana, or roughly 20k/4480 (maximum daily collection amount per willow), Note - you can click the help button on any Mana building screen:. You can read facts about the woodelves and the buildings that come with this chapter in the wiki. Create the buildings as you get them, as new buildings are always equal to new resources or materials, or new bonuses. Elvenar is a trademark of InnoGames GmbH. I agree with you, Elvenar is not a bad game, but for me it gets repetitive and boring. Cycle through your quests at every chance you can squeeze in the extra time to collect the 2x advanced tools quest plus coins as many times as you can. Storyline quests tell the story of Elvenar and guide you through the research for each chapter. So lets take a look at what is speculated so far of course, anything you find here is subject to change. You must log in or register to reply here. You will also need a good chunk of sentient goods for construction and upgrades, but none of that should be a significant problem for Chapter 18 players. As we dont know yet how these goods will be produced, it is hard to say if this will be a problem. Mykan's guide to Elvenar | Forum - Elvenar International Falling behind on storyline quests can create very challenging situations! It is used to produce refined planks from planks, which you will use in the forest fabrication to produce Treant Sprouts. Apply the power of provision spell to each of your workshops right before you collect the long production. Mana continues, to accrue until it hits a maximum amount, at which. Mar 22, 2021 #1 is there a guest race guide for the last chapter anywhere? Check out the newest episode for interesting information! In Elvenar you can upgrade almost every building, improving the production and the look of your city. So that means that to produce requisite 36K worth of elemental resources you will need to run about 1,100 productions which will require pretty much exactly 50mm worth of mana. So if you wanted another excuse not to play this chapter well, you know I though it would be impossible to be less enthusiastic about a chapter than I was about Chapter 17. There are two stages here. There is only one building that produces Elvenar, Humans and Elves, codename GR Pop: There are no upgrades, so what you see is what you get. Storyline quests tell the story of Elvenar and guide you through the research for each chapter. Watch this space, well post updates when there is more clarity on the issue. Join the Facebook group for Elvenar players! At 3 of each (12 total), youll need 3-4 months of production in these facilities to complete the chapter. Unofficial Fan Site. Use this time while you work through to researching the weeping willows to do any necessary re-arranging of your layout. Upgrade one to two at a time to level 2 and 3 as you can in between productions of mana tears, until youve produced enough mana tears to upgrade the forest glade. As soon as youve produced the resources to do so, upgrade the forest glade. Elvenar Wiki EN This guide will provide a quick review of some Woodelves basics as well as some general strategic recommendations based on what weve learned about Woodelves in the wiki, crunching some numbers, and playing through the chapter. It is important to complete each chapters' quests before researching too far into the next chapter, or before selling guest race buildings when in later chapters. There are no new upgrades for armories in the Woodelves chapter. is there a guest race guide for the last chapter anywhere? ). Questions? So here is how guest race production setup looks like: This looks more complicated than production cycle for Chapter 17. You can always schedule long upgrades for the times when youre about to head off to bed anyways. https://en.wiki.elvenar.com/index.php?title=Traders_of_Unur, Once you can build small ships, sell the big ships and build as many small ships as you can of each type, at least one attached to the flag ship. This amount is shown for each building when you. In this chapter, we get many new types of buildings. had to be directly touching. https://en.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/copying-messages-chat-mail-workaround.1821/, 6-8 workshops. After the weeping willows, youll need to unlock Greetings, Housing, and a Well in order to open up access to the workshops and residence upgrades. PES Card Collection Beginners Guide: 8 Tips, Cheats & Tricks You Need to Know, The Tower Assassins Creed Cheats, Tips & Tricks to Improve Your High Score. This chapter is quite enjoyable for most players, especially with such a nice and easy smooth beginning to ease into the new kinds of buildings well be using, now. With your efforts, research for new technologies, and magic discoveries, your city has evolved and prospered and your citizens have become brilliant, wise and a bit magical too. Yes, its going to be ugly at times, but its best to stick you cultural buildings and any other buildings that dont need roads in one place. If mana is the limiting factor, thats good news for owners of the blooming trader guild wonder. To participate in or to create forum discussions, you will need your own forum account. Gamers Gems of Knowledge All rights reserved. Questions? Guest Race Guides - Elvenar Gems of Knowledge Keep this in mind as you decide which to unlock, first. Portal for Chapter 18 produces Badges, which are used for unlocking research. The forest glade starts out as size 4x2 and grows to 5x4. Instead, each slot production time drops as the levels go up. So I keep my BTG L6 as a relic of the past, but I dont see a case where I will be upgrading it any time soon. Building level 1 residences in spare grids will turn a small surplus within a few hours. It is used to produce refined marble from marble, which, you will use in the forest fabrication to produce. Each residence upgrade requires more than 30k. They just cost a lot of supplies, but each upgrade adds a nice population boost to your city. GR Pop buildings will produce Elvenar, Humans and Elves (capped resources). So well see. Example: https://us4.elvenar.com/game Every fact about every item in Like us now! We get new culture that produces Mana and must be connected to a road. Question - Chapter 15, The Elvenar | Forum - Elvenar International Wait at least until after the decay time, but before the maximum accrual time if you can. Every 24 hours, your total Mana balance will be reduced by 10%. 3. Had never needed BTG before Ch17, but did in the end build it at lvl1 to help settlement production. Sentient requirements are relatively high, but nothing that Chapter 18 city wont be able to handle. By now you may be finding it trickier and trickier to hang onto enough mana. In the Woodelves chapter, we get 4 more upgrade levels for each tier 1 manufactory. Click on a culture building that isn't ready to, yet to see when the next early collect will, 20k Mana, or roughly 20k/4480 (maximum daily collection amount per willow). Luckily, they are unlocked early in the chapter while there is still plenty of room to re-arrange things to find a space for their new shape. The workshops are expensive! Or if you just dont like engage in rumors and speculation, you should press that Back button now. The first quality, coming from Marble, Steel and Planks Manufactories, will be introduced in this chapter. Being able to create an actual city with a long-forgotten architecture, that's what makes Elvenar so great. Click help to see Mana info in-game anytime. So buildings are gray shapes in the diagram. That could be offset a bit by the BTGs production boost. As soon as youve produced the resources to do so, upgrade the forest glade.

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