a large vehicle following closely behind is a:

B. . If youredriving alongside semi-trucks, try to stay about 300 feet or 20 car lengths back. The crash also involved two other vehicles and shut down the roadway for 5 hours. You also dont want to cut them off. If you are following 3-4 seconds behind the vehicle ahead at night, and you are traveling at highway speeds, your low beam lights will illuminate about half of the distance between you and the vehicle you are following. You can measure this distance by counting the seconds from the vehicle in front passing a landmark or stationary object. B. When properly seated behind the wheel of a vehicle, the driver should: If the head restraint is adjusted properly, it should: Which of these controls on the vehicle is an option (not required) that can be purchased? A. This means the driver knows you are there keep your distance until it is safe to overtake avoid cutting in front of a truck too closely after passing it Basically, you should always allow three full seconds between yourself and the vehicle in front of you. B. Heavy vehicles are large, not very manoeuvrable and often slow around the city. 1. Not turn right until the light turns green C. In back of the crosswalk or limit line, C. In back of the crosswalk or limit line, WHEN PARKED ON ANY HILL, YOU SHOULD ALWAYS SET YOUR PARKING BRAKE AND: Many of the questions have you, a car driver, following a large vehicle that is about to turn at a junction such as a roundabout or crossroads. A. Motorcycles are small and can easily be seen by drivers They are much heavier than a passenger vehicle and need more space to make turns. A. Defensive driver education can reduce your insurance premium up to 10%. Once you are in the intersection, you must only look straight ahead Turn right with right arm over the back of the seat. Other vehicles might enter the intersection against a red light Third, if youre following a large truck on an incline, youll have to wait a few seconds until theyve passed you before continuing to follow them. Write a balanced molecular equation for the precipitation reactions that take place when the following aqueous solutions are mixed. 5. Never drive faster than is safe for current conditions. Knowing how to maintain a safe following distance is a crucial part of defensive driving. While its possible to pass a truck on the right, its usually illegal. B. Explanation You should use your low beam headlights when you are closer than 500 feet behind another vehicle or when in heavy traffic. Divided by some barrier between opposing lanes of travel. D. Just after the rain stops, If you stop on the shoulder of the road in heavy fog, warn other drivers that you are not moving by? The lane you want to enter is open Be prepared to obey the next signal that appears Managing Space Around Your Vehicle | High Road Online CDL Training A. Corporation - Wikipedia Give more space for larger vehicles, and do your best to avoid distractions so youre not involved in a possibly dangerous collision. B. Keeping headlights on A. 120 days Making driving judgments involves? When driving a big truck, you must remember that you are operating a huge machine. B. 30 days In most cases, it can take anywhere from 0.2 seconds to two full seconds before you react and come to a stop. Drivers trapped behind slow vehicles often follow closely. B. Allows a driver to weave onto expressway traffic with no yielding. A. With defensive driving, you can help ensure you have the time you need to react and find safety in case you do come across something potentially harmful. A. defensive driving B. What are Truck Drivers Blind Spots Called? B. . Foot fetishism - Wikipedia When passing a large truck, it is important to keep a safe distance between you and the truck. YOU CAN BE CITED FOR SPEEDING: The term stopping distance means how far it takes for your car to come to a full stop in an emergency. First, your reaction distance to the other vehicle and second, your braking distance. To do this, you should stay on the left side of the road and signal your intentions to turn left. Number of Question 20 Passing Score 16 Number of Tests 20 . There is a recommended safe following distance which varies with speed and is indicated by time: the two-second rule. If the driver behind you wants to pass, allow a little extra room in front of your vehicle. A. Tailgating - Wisconsin Department Of Transportation When a large truck and another vehicle were involved in a fatal crash during 2015, 21 percent of the time the other vehicle rear ended the truck while only six percent of the accidents involved a large truck rear-ending the other vehicle. Straight ahead and to the left Failure to do so puts everyone on the road at risk. D. 6 months, If a driver under 21 is arrested for DWI and the test shows a BAC of .01 percent or more his driving privileges will be revoked automatic for: (Civil) You should keep interior lights low to make it easier to see gauges. D. Look straight back, How should the driver grip the steering wheel? The table below shows comparisons of stopping distances for cars and trucks when travelling at the same speeds. C. Motorcycles should be followed at a greater distance, C. Motorcycles should be followed at a greater distance, WHO HAS THE RIGHT-OF-WAY AT AN INERSECTION WITH NO CROSSWALKS? Your cab will fill with fumes. A. Forces drivers who are entering and exiting the highway to use the same space. Although it may appear that there is room for you to pass, the truck might plow into you, making it a dangerous move for both you and the truck. D. Drivers can enter and exit only at certain places. Trucks are much higher off the ground than a passenger vehicle. As little as possible Business Hours:9:00am-5:00pm ET, M-F. B. C. In the back seat, out of view of the driver To understandthe importanceof maintaining a safe following distance, you need to understand the basics of stopping distance. Just the act of driving carries some degree of risk, but when your following distance is too close to other vehicles, the odds of getting into an accident increase by quite a bit. A. B. Slam on your brakes If road or weather conditions require an even slower speed This questions appears in the following tests: Wisconsin Practice Test 43 Large trucks have a much larger blind spot than a car, so youll have to give them plenty of room to stop. You may be tailgated: When you are traveling slowly. All oncoming traffic is stopped by red lights, A GREEN ARROW MEANS GO, BUT FIRST YOU MUST: 1 year B. Morning The reaction distance is determined by how far your car is between something happening ahead of you and how you react to it. The application of brake pressure to a point just short of locking up the brakes, resulting in maximum braking? Tailgating is driving behind someone too closely. The vehicle in front of you is a large truck. Check your rearview mirror often Rear Blind Spots. C. Only if you are approaching a sharp curve in the road, B. A. (Make sure youre counting properly; count one-1,000, two-1,000, three-1,000.) You are driving in the far right lane of a four-lane freeway and notice thick broken white lines on the left side of your lane. Following closely behind a large truck is: - DMV Written Tests When driving in a large vehicle, it's important to leave ample space. B. A. B. A. C. Drink plenty of black coffee, B. Follow these suggestions to safely overtake a truck or other large vehicle: slow down until you can see the driver in the truck mirrors. When properly seated behind the wheel of a vehicle, the driver should: sit a minimum of 10 inches from the steering wheel If the head restraint is adjusted properly, it should: be behind the middle of the person's head Which of these controls on the vehicle is an option (not required) that can be purchased? Your engine will overheat. Your parking lights. B. PDF ComedyTrafficSchool.com Section 5 "Driver Responsibility" Page 1 To avoid the tailgater, merge into another lane if possible. Right of Way Laws in Florida | Drivers Handbook Stop and wait for a green light. C. 2-point turnabout using a road on the left. Defensive Driving Tip 8 - Following Distance - Comedy Guys If youre too close behind them, it could result in disaster. B. Approaching bicyclists For example, if you are pulling a large trailer, you will need additional time and space to stop the extra weight youre moving. Right-of-way laws are written: A. Look beyond your range of headlights A flashing red traffic light at an intersection means: Slow down before entering. Visit our website if youvereceived an auto insurance rate increase, a traffic ticket, or need to take a court-ordered defensive driving course to enroll in our online defensivedriving coursestoday! IN THE LIST STRIDE. When following a large truck at night, you should dim your headlights and keep a safe distance. Be prepared to obey the next signal that appears, A LANE IN THE MIDDLE OF A TWO-WAY ROAD THAT HAS DASHED LINES ON BOTH SIDES AND TWO LARGE CURVED ARROWS FACING EACH OTHER MAY BE USED FOR: Maintain Recommended Safe Following Distance Between Vehicles - Traffic The following distance should be longer in poor weather and thick traffic. C. Have someone outside of the vehicle direct you, BEFORE DRIVING INTO AN INTERSECTION AFTER A STOP, YOU SHOULD LOOK: The CMV driver does not slow down appropriately and comes close to the rear of the passenger vehicle as it changes lanes. Click the card to flip . [3], Road signs provide guidance on how you should be driving in a given area. A. First, avoid swerving, cutting off the truck, and allowing your headlights to shine through the large mirrors. D. The light is flashing yellow and you have not come to a complete stop first, A. When following a truck, drivers should keep a safe distance. Read on to learn more about the importance of maintaining a good distance and details about how you can put it into practice every time you drive. D. Drive with your left foot on the brake pedal at all times, C. Start braking early as a signal to the driver behind you, A RED ARROW POINTING TO THE RIGHT ON A TRAFFIC LIGHT MEANS YOU MAY: You should also increase your following distance whenever you see any type of bus if youre driving in the cities. B. If you are following too closely and the vehicle ahead of you stops or slows suddenly, you will not be able to avoid a crash. B. Use both rearview mirrors Slowly release the gas pedal; if you must brake, do so gently The largest industry sector is e-commerce, which generated over $29 trillion in 2017. Also, be aware that a large vehicle looming up closely behind may intimidate drivers of small vehicles. Others need to see you It is important to give yourself enough room to make it through without crashing into the truck. Slow way down Large trucks also have large blind spots, so it is important to keep these zones clear at all times. This also applies whenever you are following a large vehicle that blocks your view ahead so youll have more space to see around it. Have the rear wheels closer to the shoulder D. eight, YOU ARE IN A TRUCK'S BLIND SPOT IF: Is a common cause of rear-end accidents. B.) The driver is following a lead passenger vehicle closely. The primary purpose of traffic laws is to: When the driver is properly seated, the top of the steering wheel should be: Where should the inside rearview mirror be aimed? Electronics has hugely influenced the development of modern society. 1 / 46. Be far away from the radio controls B. Be behind the top of the person's head. These vehicles must stop at railroad crossings, so stay vigilant. Following closely behind Crossword Clue | Wordplays.com This room gives the other driver the space they need to move in front of you, and it keeps you at a safe distance from the other vehicles on the road, too. For example, you should stay at least 70 feet or five car lengths away from a snowplow. Slow down by pumping the brakes quickly and firmly If the roads are slippery, you can increase your following distance by counting to a higher number. What is a Large Vehicle Following Closely Behind? D If the head restraint is adjusted properly, it should: A. Have a space cushion Leave enough space between yourself and the vehicle ahead, behind and to either side to stop safely or steer around a possible hazard. A. For complete peace of mind, Nationwide can help make sure youre well-protected on the road. C. Senior drivers Large trucks have large blind spots behind their trailers that should be avoided by motorists and riders alike. Listening to music through a set of dual headphones, WHEN YOU FOLLOW VEHICLES TOO CLOSELY AND ANOTHER DRIVER SUDDENLY CUTS IN FRONT OF YOU, WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? Vision and braking Look over your right shoulder through the rear window and back up slowly From the outside of the rim Always watch your speed and following distance when driving inweather conditionslike rain, snow, or ice. Steer and brake smoothly and gradually Closed sightline and travel path to the rear Indicate no-parking zones. B. Following Distance Rules B. A. B. C. The momentary increase in speed You should drive: * Closely behind the truck in bad weather because the driver can see farther ahead. When backing straight, how should you position your body? B. B. www.nottingham.ac.uk Another thing that can affect your following distance is the type of vehicles on the road. What does this tell you about the galaxies in the Local Group? The Large Truck Crash Causation Study (LTCCS) reported that 5 percent of truck crashes occurred when the Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) driver was following the lead vehicle too closely.15. If road or weather conditions require an even slower speed, 39. To avoid an unexpected collision, youll need to maintain a safe following distance. Driver's Ed Flashcards | Quizlet Always take it Raised roadway markers on the roadway and the shoulder are used to: D. All of the above, A GOOD SAFETY RULE, WHEN YOU ARE SURE YOU HAVE A LEGAL RIGHT-OF-WAY, IS: Florida Driver Handbook | Sharing the Road with a Truck You stay close to the vehicle's left front wheel If a tailgater is behind you, allow some extra space between your vehicle and the one in front of you, and avoid sudden braking. On a level road Following Distance for Trucks & Fleets - Safety Tips - Lytx Managing Space - PennDOT Driver & Vehicle Services Following It is very dangerous to follow to closely behind another vehicle. Merge and Pass Safely You should consider the two second rule of following distance to be the absolute minimum and it may not be enough in many circumstances. C. The speed and distance of oncoming traffic, and possible hazards

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