simple assault charge nc

I had a larceny case that was dismissed due to a misunderstanding. NORTH CAROLINA SIMPLE ASSAULT CHARGES - Goolsby Law Convictions involving violence for offenders over age 18 are not eligible.under NC law. Contact an attorney in county of the 1995 misdemeanor and see if you can reopen that conviction via a MAR and obtain a dismissal. I would suggest speaking with an attorney in that county for assistance. Does The Term Simple Affray Mean In Raleigh Thank you. It took place in Lee county, NC. Can I get this expunged off my record. Official court records say dismissed without leave but there is still a notation of conviction. ), Assault on a child under age 12 (assault is committed by an adult), Assault on a government official while the official is discharging his duties, Assault on a school employee or volunteer while the employee or volunteer is discharging her duties, Assault inflicting serious injury (but not serious bodily injury). During the same year I recieved assault charge and simple affray from fights in high school. 2) Not Guilty? Any criminal conviction will remain on your record indefinitely under the laws of North Carolina. If I have used an expulsion on a non violent offense when I was a minor would I still be able to get charges dismissed without leave to be expunged? I really dont want to pursue this anymore . Willing to try anything. Hello I know before it was at east 5 years of waiting. I also had several charges dismissed. I have charges that were dismissed still showing up on my background check, do i have to go through the process of getting them expunged? Can I get an expungement on the larceny? Assault note: I Also have three other convictions from 2013 but they were guilty verdicts not prayer for judgement. Will immigration still find out about them? I was told I did not have to register as a sex offender but would like to clear my record if possible. I have a simple assault charge on my record . Any question about the forms their answer is I can not give you legal advice. I was put on 12 months unsupervised probation. I was at a house party and went into a room and took a laptop. This individual has had no other interactions with the law and completed all probational conditions with no infractions. What are the steps if I am eligible for an expungement. ; menu. Also, I think I should note that these charges stem from two arrest, not four separate arrest. The person I assaulted was asked by the DA did she want to go through with the charges and she said yes. If clerks started telling people what to write and what to file there of course would inevitably be bad advice given out at times. You can schedule a consultation with a Raleigh criminal attorney by calling (919) 615-2473 or completing the online contact form below. These are my only two actual convictions however I have multiple misdemeanor & felon charges that were dismissed before my felony convictions. the DA at 1st wanted to meet but they swore in a new DA and i was told it wouldnt look good on him if he said yes to expungment to all the checksthats what my attorney told me the end.. That being said I would certainly recommend filing to clear your record. The Assam Rifles - Friends of the Hill People? The charges were not filed by him but the officer who I called at that time. 03/09/2001 Simple Worthless Checks The answer is maybe. I also seen their are affidavits along with the 266 form but I don't know where to find those. Placed on 30 months probation. In North Carolina, any crimes with an element of assault or non-expungeable unless the charges are fully dismissed or the accused is found not guilty in a trial. Was charged with an assault in a female 9 yrs ago due to lies told by x wife. Can two separate Felonise they are over 35 years old and I have no convictions since then. The evidence presented by the State must prove or show. Ultimately the Judge should decide and not the DA, but if the local Judges simply follow the recommendation of the local DA you may be out of luck. Only lower level felony convictions are eligible. North Carolinas New Expungement Law: What You Need WebBasically, all misdemeanor crimes that prohibit the use or attempted use of physical force or the threatened use of a deadly weapon qualify as MCDV when the offense involves a defendant and victim in a current or former "domestic relationship," as defined under federal law. A dismissed charge should be eligible. I would recommend running a criminal record at that time to verify the charge is removed. WebA person can be charged with an A1 misdemeanor, punishable by 1-60 days in jail, if he commits an assault, assault and battery, or affray and: Assaults a female if he is a male of at least 18 years of age. I am so very concerned about this reflecting on my background check and having issues in the future. Must have only been possession with intent to sell and deliver. Any shot with the misdemeanors because I was 21? In 2015 I got a dwi that was vd by the court and looks like it could be expunged. Thanks for your advice, it's appreciated. Assault in North Carolina is governed by North Carolina General Statute. Am I eligible for expungment? The victim is a member of a schools staff, Sexual assault with a weapon threatening use of a weapon during the assault, Aggravated sexual assault results when the victim is seriously injured during sexual assault, Assault and Battery physical injury of another person, Assault on a Female committed by a male 18 years or older, Public Fighting this charge stems from the result of causing bystanders to become fearful of their safety, Blunt weapons (baseball bats, hammers, pipes, etc. I was 16 at the time and was denied for a pistol permit last year. Statutory Rape and Indecent Liberties in North Carolina, Board Certified Specialist in Criminal Law. I was 17 at the time turning 18 although I was found guilty, to this date I claim my innocent to these crimes.Can my record be expunged. I have a dismissal on my record and eligible for expungement just found out there is no charge /fee for expungement of dismissals. Lawyer specializing in record expungement said my ex would have to go back on the charges she filed against me in order for anything to happen. His passion for his work and in helping others shines. when i was 16 in 2001 i was charged with assualt on a minor and in 2003 i was charged with possession of and intent to sell and deliever cocain. Lincoln County Sheriffs Arrest Reports for March 1, 2023 3. Can I get that charge expunged? I plead guilty to two class F felonies and two class I felonies 18yrs ago. I have never seen it done with a serious felony, but it is technically possible. If the impaired driving offense was dismissed or there was a finding of not guilty you should be eligible. Why not file for expugement as you never know if that will be a deciding factor? While it is a misdemeanor charge, even simple assault with a deadly weapon should still be treated very seriously, as it will remain on your permanent criminal record. No, under NC law there is no automatic removal of convictions or PJC's. I have a PJC conviction for a misdemeanor child abuse charge. Although an expunction should remove the charge from your official State record there are private databases that may still retain data even for expunged records. Each State has unique expunction laws. I was given sentence to complete counseling and paid a $150 fine & 12 months unsupervised probation. Guilford That should have been eligible years ago even before the new law- did someone advise your otherwise? By January 10, he was dead. and how can I manage to do it from my country where I'm from since I can't go to the US?, I want to have my record clear to apply for a visa. Assault A reasonable threat of bodily injury that instills fear of harm in the victim. Can this be expunged since it was not a DWI? I have a house in my name but she lives there. Can I get this expunged or dismissal? Yes, even dropped charges will appear on a North Carolina criminal record check. You could try now, but technically you might have to wait until May. Were they two separate convictions from different incidents? What can I do? I do not have any specific advice on sealing records other than to contact a local attorney to explore your options. Said person was seventeen at the time of offense and trial ended with conviction while person was twenty years old. A large number of our clients have gotten into a heated argument with their spouse and have called the police to help mediate the discussion. Your comment will be posted after it is approved. what if you had 2 sets of misdemeanor convictions 5 years apart. All three of my charges are from the same incident/case, but one was dropped from a felony to a misdemeanor and didnt get dismissed like the other two will I still be able to use the 287 form? I am not aware of B&E being automatically considered violent in NC. This is a Class E felony if there was a serious injury or the intent to kill. These are all classified as Class 2 misdemeanors: This may be the threat of physical harm to another person or physical contact that does not necessarily result in injury. You would need to speak to a local attorney to see if you have any other options. So are you saying I need to just ask for a dismissal and not pay the fines. Just wanted another opinion from another lawyer. Perhaps you could file under 15A-145(a) but it appears at least the DA can object. There are websites that screen capture mugshots and create a page on the internet with your face enlarged. Were the convictions from the same incident? Wendell, NC 27591 Is it possible to have those records sealed because it's keeping me from getting jobs???? she never showed up for court and they charged me even thought she assaulted me. However I'm not a U.S Citizen and going through removal proceedings right now, can file for expungemnt? 50 years ago I was convicted of arson and auto theft I don't remember the class of the charges. Would the new law allow me to successfully have the arrest cleared? WebSimple Assault/Assault and Battery Charge If the victim does not need medical attention for their injuries, and no aggravating factors are present, you will face simple assault State Bureau of Investigation. 2. No other convictions since. I believe it took a year to process. Convictions involving violence are not eligible. DUI convictions are not eligible per NC statute. Thanks a lot. And new. Did the DA object? Multiple convictions from different incidents creates major issues. A simple assault conviction can also result in a loss of certain rights, such as the right to possess a firearm. My son has a Class I felony crimes against nature conviction. Will I be eligible under the new law? On television, we often hear police and lawyers use words like assault and battery interchangeably. I was convicted of Felon Cheat Property/Services on February 29, 2012 and Felon Possession of Stolen Goods on April 10, 2012. My husband is military and we are currently stationed in California. Please contact me when you are available. If rejected, where in the process would this most likely occur? Take a look at Form AOC-CR-281. Under the new law, misdemeanor larceny convictions for those over age 18 at the time of the offense will be eligible after a 5 year wait period. Class D felony convictions are not eligible for expunction. 285PA20 / 2021-NCSC-124 October 29, 2021). I watched an NC murder trial, and the defendant who stabbed his wife 123 times got more respect from the judge than I received. I was in active addiction during the time of those charges and have been clean since the day I turned myself in back in 2016. 08/31/1999 Simple Assault speeding to elude arrest 4-7-09. Since that older charge is relatively minor and likely could have been dismissed if you hired a lawyer at the time the DA may be open to dismissal. The charges were in Rutherford county North Carolina. Then the finalized petition is sent back to Raleigh where is sits on their growing stack of petitions to be processed where it can take another 6 months before the process is complete. Remember, ANY criminal conviction will typically have a negative impact on hiring status. This was a case of a jilted lover trying to keep me here in NC, and actually found me on Facebook a few years back apologizing for it. Sounds like you are jumping the gun. Even if the DA objects the Judge should have the final call. I hired an attorney and paid $1000 for an expunged record.. All I was told was that I didnt qualify which makes no sense considering how old I was the time and how long it has been. That being said, you can always reach out to a local attorney to see if you have any options to reopen a conviction. They are all misdemeanors.The 3 misdemeanors were in all 1 occurrence and they were in Mecklenburg County and the 1 was an assault charge that occurred in Stanly County in 2011 that was dismissed. VD = Voluntary dismissed. I was convicted of concealment of goods (roughly $8.00) im not sure if the verbiage is correct there, but i believe it was shoplifting never the less. To expunge a dismissal you can't have any felony convictions. This myth may originate from laws in other states, but does not apply in North Carolina. Can I seal a class D drug trafficking charge that I was convicted of in 1999? Felony in 2012. I am not sure I follow. (7a) An offense under G.S. Assault and Battery Charges. Recent Booking / Mugshot for TAMARA KENYATTA JAMES in Assault is a violent offense under NC law. You might want to take a look at AOC-CR-264. Are these 2 types of charges that can be dismissed? That being said, the new law does not go into effect until December 1, 2017 and the new forms likely will say not to be used before that date or they may just release them right before that date. What county was this from? Thank you for your response, I pled guilty to 16 counts of embezzlement in 2005, it was a class h felony. As to your other questions you would need to speak with an attorney or the courthouse in Orange County as procedures vary by county.

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