how many tourists have gone missing in panama

People usually have dogs for a mild form of protection. History is not a science but it can include some science. Or if they went, they could have been followed by someone the murderer (or murderers). Theyre also exceptionally rugged and dangerous, especially during the April-to-October wet season. However, when theres monetary interests involved, especially within key industries I give those ulterior motives some weight and consideration. Looking forward to reading what Bethzaida Pitti comes out with in the book she is co-authoring about the case. I hope you understand my english, im not a native speaker. It was taken on the Continental Divide on April 1st, 2014 with the recorded time: 13:20:32. They came to learn a language and embrace a culture. Wow. What Really Happened To Two Dutch Hikers Who Disappeared In Panama? I think Juantarctica made a compelling case on YouTube for this theory. Europe is the world . As the search was starting to wind up, a local woman handed in a blue backpack, claiming she found it in a rice paddy along the banks of the river. The Lost Girls of Panama: The Full Story ^ From that point the trail leads over another dangerous cable bridge, and two more rickety plank swing-bridges, before reaching the Ngobe village of Alto Romero on the banks of the Culebra. Two days pass. Adventurers and travelers seek different experiences. It is almost as if they are deliberately not to tell anything rather than the much speculated something. Also, I do not know about the girls living situation and the relationship between the girls and the owner. There is discussion in reference to a possible cave, but is there any evidence that the girls found a cave besides perhaps Kriss hair appearing unusually dry in the night photos? Something I hadnt noticed before until I could see the photos upclose, (the one where she is hunched over) is that her face looks distorted; it doesnt look like her almost as if its some kind of mask. Then uses the flash to take many photos of the area, so she can return for Kris after finding help. They no longer had their phones or camera and made no emergency calls at all. But they are hurt and they are lost. Her hands are *not* tied behind her back. Ive travelled through Central and South America quite a bit and these experiences cant be found elsewhere. And one of the branches near the middle appears to have scales or a pattern not natural to a tree branch. Kris en esta foto, tiene sus manos atrs, que podran estar atadas o esposadas . These were of seemingly random objects, like a stick with plastic sticking to it, as well as scenes of foliage, canyons, anda bridge. There are over 30 fingerprints on the blue backpack which belongs to one of the girls, but they dont want to investigate the fingerprints. This photo of Kris Kremers is identified as Photo 505. This would cover natural causes and the rucksack contents being in perfect condition. He went into the girls room without police, he was involved with finding of the backpack, and also the bones. From the summit, they decided to go in a bit deeper, or just took the wrong exit path by mistake. However, her surroundings were my intended focus regarding this photo theres a lot of things in this photo that havent been discussed elsewhere and could provide clues as to what happened to them. Or another type of colorful animal found in the jungle? Yes indeed!I hadnt noticed that before!is it a carved rock of sorts?. But even when a phone is locked after thee attempts the screen says emergency calls only. This tribe was not located near the area where Kris and Lisanne disappeared, and therefore, in no way can be connected to the disappearance of Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon. The group of 13 youngsters - nine from Coln province and four who were visiting from Panama City - left on Friday morning to go swimming in Gatn Lake. A wave of deadly exorcisms have griped the country, under the guise of religion, at the hand of a death cult. The branches above her could be an attempt to hide the entrance. Its too cold to sleep at night, so they try to keep moving, until, in the darkness Kris falls down a ravine, hitting her head, and going into a coma. I could be wrong, but until I see some compelling evidence to the contrary, Im sticking with Juans theory. Im sorry but the question deserves a dumb answer. On one website, almost every user is convinced, that all the daylight pictures were photoshopped, even this one here, No.505. Update Dec 2, 2021: The full-resolution version of this photo was released in 2021. The illusion of her being tied and in distress is nothing more than that. It isnt a cave, somebody has shown in a youtube video that it us just a very deep path on the wrong side of the mountain with a sharp turn. They are really good, especially parts 3 and 4, which give a lot of information about the girls photos. Indeed it does not even accidentally appear. I was clearly kept elsewhere and planted later. 3. Thanks for sharing this. One obvious question - has anybody ever found the place that is in this photograph. The following insight will make not make much sense to you if you dont know their story. Hi Jim, I appreciate your comments but please lay off the language of calling people fools. I also live in a third-world country about which it was said that investigations were shut down, or botched, to protect the tourist industry. I can assure you that is nonsense. I would think they had to be pretty far into the jungle to have come across that slat roof structure. Two young women, who dont take any risks, go for a trip in the jungle and get lost in a mysterious way? But in the last year, several mass graves have been unearthed, revealing to the world a dark practice of human sacrifice which is thriving in the jungles of Panama. A witness who wont be staying in Panama for long. Kris has been unconscious for days. 1 Long-Haul Tourism Market. I was definitely thinking it looks like her hands might be tied behind her back here. The world may never know what happened to the pair, but speculation still runs wild. What confuses this is that after Kriss phone dies then on the 5th during the afternoon SOS attempt a wrong pin is input on Lisannes phone and indeed continues to be input until the end. I implore those who are intrigued by this to read his books. One thing which confused me were the bras the smaller one looks more like a bikini top. Problem with that is that you would think they would simply turn round once they realised. Maybe one girl regained consciousness at night and took the pictures. Teams investigatedfor 10 days; their hunt scaled down on April 14, 2014, though continued on for 10more weeks. Seriously? I think they knew too much and someone wanted them to be silenced forever. Trials are too costly. She would probably have gone into what looks like a cave or hut behind her, which may have been a booby trap leading to a long drop either through the floor or at the back of the cave. Thanks for the analysis though, I keep looking for new stuff, this case really gets to meI can see why people think this was a criminal act -I see that with some aspects of the case, however, I do think that it was the result of injury and or getting lost -I cant see a criminal 1) letting them keep their phones and camera and 2) letting the camera and phones being discovered. Yes, I can see that too Chyna Lee. This is significant because image 508 was the last photograph of them where they werent in any trouble. Theres not a lot of information about the gangs in the Boquete area. The indigenous people know how to use phones watch the Kinga documentary. I am assuming that the rock painting you refer to is the round orange patch on the right. Is there much shareable knowledge about the gang in the area? Do the additional photos reveal anything more? There appears to be a visible roof-like structure above Kriss head. I think Kris and Lisanne were two smart, savvy, levelheaded young women. To see all content on The Sun, please use the Site Map. The pictures taken were used to place Kris in pictures on the Mirador with Lisanne. ): Do they deal in weapons, drugs, porn? Notice how Juan has actively injected false information into the public investigation, including a picture of 4 people standing in a pond with heavily photo edited faces (one of them has their head moved off of the neck in a very obvious edit). There was enough evidence in this investigation to solve the case and possibly find Kris and Lisanne while they were alive. The grimace on Kris face is because she is in pain. But because of their theatrics and ignoring the evidence, the story and curiosity will continue to keep this case alive. The plane was located with the help of Bruce's Legacy, as well as a local family whose boats were used in the mission, Lewitinn said. After any incident the first 24 hours are critical and it seems all that time was lost. People began to suspect something happened whenthe dog Blue returned from the hike unaccompanied. If someone died, you would certainly write, Body can be found at xyz.. "I saw a child get dragged down the river when he let go of his parents' hands. So, these were all indigenous locals influenced by another villager that had traveled abroad. Could the red object be a bird? I just find it strange that no video diary or fotos of each other made after 508. A search eventually turned up a severed foot and scattered remains, but authorities had trouble determininghow the hikershad died. This is something I will surely investigate more and write about in the future. Yo veo en el fondo de la foto 506, adjunto al muslo, la pierna y el pie izquierdo de Kris, una silueta de un hombre joven, con sombrero de copa alta y ala ancha (al estilo de los sheriff norteamericanos), con una manta blanca sobre sus hombros,tronco y brazos y un rifle o escopeta en posicin horizontal sobre sus manos. Only a fool thinks they were attacked by people. Therefore, if Kris Kremers is normal and happy, as she appears to be in this photo (and in the other photos in the series), it means that things took a bad turn for them relatively soon after the photo above was taken. Debra Ann Velleman, of Waukesha, Wis., and Sue L. Borries, of Teutopolis, Ill., are missing after their plane crashed off the coast of Panama on Jan. 3, 2022. Could be that the path turns sharp right or left (out of the frame) or continues up ahead after a short scramble. According to Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin's office, the U.S. Coast Guard provided Panamanian authorities with technical modeling to support the search for the aircraft. What I have not found is concrete evidence of where they went. Especially the beams and details, and the cave behind her. He wants the gringos to go away and leave him in peace. This was incredibly naive but then they only just arrived.. What took them past the divide? This is why the ping data can help because it can show if they were in one place or moving. Small-town America no more? Tourism gains have made Panama City Beach Only three days later the three assailants were given their sentences: Hctor Abrego - 15 years in prison and must pay his sentence in jail in Santiago. The Taxi driver was found dead later so no idea how much of this could be confirmed. is. As the effort wore on, they enlisted the help of the Wisconsin-based volunteer search and recovery organization Bruce's Legacy and set up a GoFundMe to help defray the costs of bringing the nonprofit to Panama. Experts proposed several theories about how and why the women took thesephotos. Heres what I think happened. Other than the dog, the young women went on their hike alone, only asking for directions from a local innkeeper, who advised them to take a taxi back to town. Jump forward to Boquette now and you will see a photo of the girls in the street, and behind them is a shirtless fat white man. Theymade numerous emergency calls afew hours into their hike; logs show they managed to connect only oncedue to poor reception in the forest. I am very familiar with the Koude Kas posts. All of this leads to resentment and frustration, which results in higher crime rates. The theories Ive read seem too far-fetched to be believable. I would like to know the answer to that question also. They could have been a target early on. Thats why Kris stops in photos once in a while as if to say this way, right?. I think they were murdered and their greatest mistake was to travel to this little town in Panama. Any idea of the exact location where this picture is taken? I dont know what Chris means by this, but at first I thought it was a wooden post sticking up from the ground and painted white at the top. I get why people really hard want to believe theres something more to it, but hiking a lot (in very well known areas) you can go lost SO easily. Thanks for any information you can provide. This figure has increased rapidly since the millionth tourist . It holds a bad energy. Maybe the girls were not so clever at tech but they did not leave voice or video memos to document their predicament not goodbye messages for family. I think they were lost. "Tourism contributes 10% to EU GDP and creates jobs for 26 million people," notes the European Union Tourism Trends report. And the police are not helping at all it seems to me that they want to destroy the investigation. I must have been living in a cave and totally preoccupied with myself when this happened because I only stumbled across this via a Youtube video ( one of many) by Juan Perea Y Monsuw on Friday. Especially the one where Kris is holding a water bottle 30-40ft from the photo-taker. Perhaps the killer of Catherine Johanet knows more, Hi, u might want to watch this vid it has theories dat i think might giv more insights to this case, On the other hand, its more dangerous and risky. Another thing that crossed my mind is what if the backpack & items had been kept as like a trophy of the killings, & a local knew thats what it was aware of the incident & grabbed it & left it somewhere to be found to try & help shed light on the case the best way they could. In a chilling discovery, 90 photos had been snapped on the camera deep in the jungle in the dead of night on April 8 between 1am and 4am - raising questions about who took the pictures. Image 505 is actually the last image before the night photos. I believe the backpack was placed near the river in order to indicate where the remains would be found (like a flag), and perhaps the backpack was provided in hopes to receive the reward money, and the location of the backpack meant that searches would move to a different location (potentially because the police were too close to the suspects at the time). So sad what happened to them today is the first Ive heard of the story and its wildly upsetting. Her hands could be tied behind her back but, if this is the case, then much computer editing was involved because other photos that come AFTER this one in camera sequence show Kriss walking ahead of Lisanne WITHOUT her hands tied behind her back. The rock in the riverbed is very distinctive was this location ever found and explored? Lisanne sets up a SOS with toilet paper and a mirror, hoping to get the attention of the helicopters. The ground is littered with leaves, twigs, and stones. if you break your ankle in a fall and die your foot is likely to be found IN the shoe as is what happened. Perhaps incriminating photos existed on the camera before and new photos were taken to overwrite the cameras memory files, therefore preventing the old photos from being extracted from the cameras digital memory. Im happy my work could shed some light on the possible items in the picture. Draw a line from that point in all directions as far as they could travel in the time to the emergency call, and there must be part of the answer to the mystery inside that circle. I would like to pick your brains on your thoughts about the night photos: 1. of SOS made with a white cloth, 2. the mirror on rock 3. The last set of pics is especially chilling to me, my first thought was Lisanne may have been bound & hurt & somehow able to gain access to the camera & made a last attempt to signal for help or document everything around her as best she could & thats why all the angles are so awkward & unfocused. On April 1, the 21-year-old and 22-year-old went for a walk . And I cannot fathom standing this way, hands behind the back and turned like that unless my hands were restricted behind my back. I agree with you. Hi Kevin, Occums razor only applies when all facts are available. Sure, anyone can do these things with a computer and specialized knowledge but with this level of competence? It seems likely it was tribal. Theres a lot more information needed to make conclusions. Apart from the fact if she was photoshopped in this picture, i.m.o. How certain are we that they started at the trail head as we are told? So if you look behind her bottom theres a patch of light which is the light at the other end of this tunnel and shes holding her right hand up to her face to sweep back a piece of hair. Despite these . The camera and photos were tampered with with photos removed and other photos cropped and reduced in size. Minha Querida menina. Guns are mostly for use in robberies, but these gangs prefer not to leave bullet holes its too obvious. The picture people think she is looking down she is hanging with hands tied behind her back. The fact that the backpack showed up on the bank of a river completely dry and unharmed downstream, with the camera and other electronics still functioning, shows that someone placed it there. Such a tragedy. Can it explain Lisannes foot that was broken? Theycalled 112, the emergency number for the Netherlands, as well as Panama's emergency number, 911. My question is: Who has the ability to manipulate both the cameras internal storage database and the photos? "It is our intention -- almost exactly one month following this tragic accident -- to give proper thanks to all those who supported our families during this difficult time, as well as to have many outstanding questions answered by way of a swift and thorough investigation," the families said in a joint statement. What Really Happened To Two Dutch Hikers Who Disappeared In Panama? Have you looked closely at what Chris has labelled the insignia. Right above it. Why IMG_0509 is missing, which could be a crucial piece of evidence, is an enigma. Why werent those outgoing calls being completed? But what if that is what led them off track ? Those two women were wearing very little clothing to be entering bush/jungle, there is no way that theyd easily make their way through vegetation, and, as they were clearly intelligent, why would they voluntarily just walk into dense bush? The lower orange being around the belly area. This option is least likely, because wed obviously see something more tangible in the photos. Instead, they think What words can I say to make my local population feel better? After all, locals elect these same authorities. Is it possible that Kris and Lisanne reached this field with fencing (past the second stream crossing) and mistook this place to be a different entry to the farm areas which are closer to the trail head ? Particularly given that you have very admirable aspirations for what you intend to do by investigating the trail on the ground. Of course, there are always exceptions. If you find any additional information, please let me know. Cheers. We have no police report to read which its self may also contain errors. His family told Fox News that he had been traveling by himself and he was in good health.

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