how do i change my weight on zwift power

I did this because I had a particular effort level planned for my workout that day, and didnt want to exceed it. Just the fact that you need a third party (ZP) to validate race results really says it all. I lost some weight during these few months and gained on FTP Now facing going to C and not getting any good results within the category, Eric, thanks for bringing this to light. That was my first thought when a fellow Zwifter commented on my recent race, Somehow you always get your w/kg down. Changing weight - ZwiftPower Community - Zwift Forums At least I can be best in one thing on zwiftpower. So its not Zwift putting you at a disadvantage but the situation itself, just as you would be in the real world in that situation. ZwiftPower - Login That a cat rider may win a d race but on zwiftpower they will be DQd for not riding an A race. My power is often in the top few. Current system means that heavy weight top of cat riders climb at the same speed as skinny guys with same wpk but can have 60% more power on the flats. bottom line for me, its a virtual training world, a virtual hammer isnt the same as a real hammer. Introducing a horrible measure that addresses a problem that doesnt exist, and subsequently retracting it following mass protest is not exactly what I would call revolutionary change. I said if its not done during a competitive Zwift event, its not a problem. I would include chasing Strava Zwift KOMs as a competitive event (but I could see how what I said could be interpreted otherwise. A great challenge for those looking for those training gains. nothing more. How-To: Adjusting the Difficulty of a Workout | Zwift Bath High intensity: 30/30 and 40/20sec Rnnestad intervals like 3x (10x40/20sec). All this makes me laugh. Find some hilly races As a result your suggestion of the watts vs w/kg different systems is already baked into the game physics in a way. This is why for a while I was ranked as a C even though my w/kg was higher than 3.2 since my watts werent over 200. Secondly, Zwifts statement says they agree there is a need for tools that deliver greater transparency to Zwift racing. Thats good to see, and we completely agree! How come I get beat in sprints when a 60kg guy puts out 700W, when I put out over 1000W at 76kg? ZwiftPower Height & Weight Changes Postponed | Zwift Insider In the many B races i have done it was more fun because i was competitive. Please refresh the page and try again. As some others already mentioned, the bodyweight tends to oscillate over the week and even the day. There is no cat C rider at 58kg who has a hope in hell of beating me in any race. was the lowest of top 15 riders. This is done by separating riders based on their FTP (functional threshold power) a wattage test you can take part in on Zwift over a 20-minute, 45-minute or 1-hour period. They CANNOT win. I would thought with how sensitive the sensors are they could place another one somewhere on the unit that simply does the job and takes away all the manual input. I rarely race, don't care. Im quite heavy, at about 85kgs, but also 183cms tall (and 52 years old). Noob question though, whats the etiquette around weighing with kit on or off. For the time being, height and weight will remain visible on ZwiftPower. First up, you'll have to head to and log in, then click on Settings > Profile > Connections and choose 'opt-in' under the ZwiftPower logo. And atRead more . If thats not something that needs fixing then why run any races? If so, that makes sense to me and I can absolutely see the point of that. We really like the sound of this: In the future, well continue to bring potential product ideas and changes to members of the Zwift Racing Community, with the hope that youll embrace this as a collaborative effort to help shape the experience. Zwift Insider is independent of Zwift corporate (, although Zwift does provide funding to help defray site costs. Included with this license agreement can be the approval to show height and weight. The other race, events, and activities are needed to display that data. Wow, cheating !! Last week I jumped into my first race and it was at the last minute on a whim because I was getting tired of my training ride. IfRead more . Hes not looking for a trophy every race. SoggyAlbatross2. A thank you to Zwift HQ for listening to the feedback from the racing community and taking action. I dont think it can all be attributed to weight; it appears that some hardware tweaks can scale up the reported power output. I dont think any of my shorter (under 5ft10) running or cycling friends weights more than that. Im curious to see this summer if I can do the numbers outdoors as I push out on Zwift but I cant even think of a road to use for 30 mins without stop signs, pot holes, lots of traffic, etc. The winners are almost always people with recorded weights sub 70kgs, more typically 65kgs, even 59! I am a long time racer in NorCal and cheating is cheating. It is obviously a stupid thing ( weight doping) and why a rider would do this is beyond me but pride and quasi Strava bragging or Zwift Power bragging is a thing. I think the Zwift algorithm is quite relevant because it implies a good workout in any race for any kind of rider (and thats what we are looking for). Some weight dopers are obvious and blatant other times its much less egregious. Id say physics does! It impacts the Group Rides and as you said the performance statistics individually. this is how it is in real life , big ian stannard putting in hard fast miles on the front for (was) team sky , while all the small guys tuck in the peloton getting drafted along saving energy for later on in the race , because they can`t compete on the flat with the big boys . If youre a 300-pound dude who wants to go a little faster uphill as a virtual 200 pounder, have at it. As well as original reporting, news and feature writing, and production work, Daniel also runs The Leadout newsletter and oversees How to Watch guides throughout the season. I completely agree with the last paragraph here. Why no monitoring on this? You lose 10 liters of sweat during a medium long ride? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The best solution would be for Zwift to actively monitor all racing for people cheating. I guess I shouldnt be surprised. As a lighter racer 136lbs it pisses me off to see cheating. Why dont you start self-regulating then? Frankly I struggle to believe these are real. A good rule we follow is to take our FTP divide it by 3 and then put that in as our weight (in Kilograms). Once you have a number for your FTP in watts, divide it by your weight in kilograms. if youre on zwift and intentionally cheating to get whichever fake virtual badge or win whichever fake virtual place in a race, then youre real-life literal loser. Take one of our four FTP tests to determine your FTP. Race them if you want, but Rides like Tour de Zwift are not based on rider category, they are based on distance. Great drafting skills!, Heres the thing: I probably am a fairly efficient racer, when I want to be. I averaged between 300 and 310 watts for all segments and my heart sat pretty consistently between 140 and 144.Read more , saying x number of watts per kg at xxx hr is flawed anyways max and resting hr can vary alot. And as well as your race results, you can check your distance ridden, total metres climbed, power peaks from one second up to 75 minutes, and more besides. Other than that, I rarely look at weight unless some results are very weird. My HR numbers are almost identical to yours. Chip on the shoulder there or what? I completely missed these as I reinvented the wheel, trying to stir up the hornets nest on the Zwift forums the other day. First, you need to sign up for an account. ), You say at the do you, it doesnt affect anyone. IMHO, enforcing in-category entry for races will be a quick, easy and effective change. My IRL time and my Zwift time are almost the same. How do you actually update your weight on ZP?? I agree Paul great idea. She can crank but her w/kg is low. Food for thought. Yes, we need to be categorized by our race ranking, not power. 1 second per 1 km on the AdZ dowhill (after losing minutes going up it) is literally the only place in the game its beneficial and the IRL advantages on the flats over light riders is excessivelyRead more . Blaming Zwift for allowing cheaters is the system problem that gets more people frustrated, upset, etc. I dont care anyway. Zwift doesnt like this and disqualifies him on Zwift power. Some of the reasons Ive never pushed as hard on a real ride include: Stopping / slowing for junctions Traffic / pedestrians / other hazards Appreciating the view No watt meter on my real bike I dont race in real life I dont do workouts in real life Changing wind Threat of a headwind on my home journey And the biggest: WantingRead more , Agree with the above. Im older heavier and relativily fit. Future state can add a nominal cost to said license to support clean racing via Zwift tech updates. Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury, Zwift Insider is independent of Zwift corporate (, although Zwift does provide funding to help defray site costs. In fact, you can change a workout on Zwift about as fast as you can U-turn a bicycle on a real hill. Zwift should take accountability for what matters most to start with and thats the cheaters. Im not heavy (68kg), have a typical climber/TT phenotype (no short sprint but good FTP). On Zwift, weight dopers seek to gain an advantage by entering a lower-than-life weight into their Zwift profile. I am about to hit the four year mark on Zwift. As there is no official A+ CAT there is nothing to worry about, but if there were, I would be right between A and A+. No one is going to lose or gain 5kg overnight or shrink a 1cm. Hi, very impressive w/kg at 65. Nekkid and I only update my weight in zwift if it moves more than a KG. The latest race content, interviews, features, reviews and expert buying guides, direct to your inbox! BA1 1UA. Zwift excessively rewards the athlete for being light and small. Ive done multiple races where my main goal was to keep the watts as low as possible while hanging with the front group. Same reason there are categories and age group races outdoors! I think he is referring to the 2021 Haute Route GC (or lack thereof), Sorry, thats right, it was the Haute Route 2021 events. Zwift Insider makes a small commission on purchases made from these links, so please shop through them to support our efforts. ), So what is reverse weight doping? Im about to end up in the same situation (last races at 3.99, 3.98 and 3.99 W/kg) and Im not really worried about being promoted to A. if someone is entering a fake weight on their Zwift profile, the only person they're cheating is themselves, cos they're going to get destroyed out on the roads where it really matters. (I dont recommend this approach, but it proves the point that weight doping is an issue that concerns many Zwift racers. Why not ride to your strengths? Privacy Policy, How to Race on Zwift (Setup, Strategy, and More). He lives in Northern California with his beautiful wife, two kids and dog. As Ive posted elsewhere, I like having weight available at my fingertips so I can use it to plan the TTT rotation (I like going heavy/light/heavy/light to avoid the big guys pulling away on flats/descents or the little guys pulling away on climbs, plus one category of rider tends to get exhausted on any given route if I plan my pull times incorrectly, so its nice not having 2 people in a row suddenly need to skip a pull). I have seen riders weighting 56 kgs and week later they are 35 kgs. hanging with the front group is very though for me because i am exactly at the bridge between A and B. Maybe they should display and categorise HR as a %age? The race I did had all categories racing together with a mass start, so the categories felt arbitrary as my place was not within my chosen category but across the whole field anyway. Cheapest Zwift setup: Everything to help you onto Zwift for the first time If its not done during a competitive Zwift event, I dont see it as a problem. Zwift How-to: Choose Your Cycling Race Category Exactly. Would achieve the same thing. See how you can support Zwift Insider! Eric runs Zwift Insider in his spare time when he isn't on the bike or managing various business interests. Think of ZwiftPower, then, as something similar to Strava, only entirely Zwift-focused, and free! Thats the reason why a results category would be more interesting like Erics suggested in his topic. 0.5kg discrepancy either side is actually quite small. nothing less. I use my average weight but I feel; guilty because my weight tends to fluctuate by 0.5K or more during the week depending on how much I eat during the day really interested to learn that there is a scale that auto updates Zwift. Im new to Zwift and its racing and what I like notice is how well I do compared to theRead more , This is not just about cheating. yes, but you are missing my point. I should mention: many Zwifters have lied about their in-game weight for perfectly acceptable reasons. I have been light and I have been heavy. Eric runs Zwift Insider in his spare time when he isn't on the bike or managing various business interests. It does not stop cheating at all. Some big Zwift races have specific rulesets, etc. Sure, easy! Thank you for signing up to The Pick. there seems to be a lot of variability in power products and what people are using to feed into zwift. Also a really frustrating thing is why doesnt Zwift autoRead more , is he riding in the right category? As such, we have agreed to pause this change while we develop tools that deliver greater transparency to Zwift racing while promoting wellness. More of an issue than thisRead more . Zwift Hub Smart Cycling Trainer Review: An Affordable Way to Ride It must be very hard to do with many, many lines of code to implement otherwise it wouldve been done by now, In reality these changes would not (will not) impact cheating. I use Zwift to get in shape and prepare for outside riding. Im glad you wrote about this. Its only a bit of fun at my level (solid B with the odd podium). Some races (many, in fact) on Zwift work exactly like that. Races can use different schemes to categorise riders, but most of them use this scheme: You can, of course, progress through the ranks as you race. Shame I cant edit my post for the horrendous spelling and autocorrect gaffes. What I think your articles miss to point out, though, (Im sure you are well aware of the problem), like people have mentioned already, is exactly how many cheaters there are that manage to stay in lineRead more . I still have no sprint kick so Im never winning anything anyway. The key phrase there is have the same W/kg its very easy to boost your W/kg simply tell Zwift you are lighter than you really are. Hitting G on your keyboard will do it, or swipe up on iPhone or iPad, etc then tap the graph button. Zwift is great just to ride around and it has lots of good training sessions which you can do. It's harder than real racing. But Its hard to confirm whether or not its transmitting the weight to Zwift. Yes us heavier riders have the downhill advantage definitely. Problem solved! angels stadium covid rules. It lets Zwift racers and race organisers track results and check out all the details of the races they've participated in, as well as monitoring and analysing their data. This site contains affiliate links to Amazon, Wahoo, and other brands. Note how he wins races while his max HR is around 30 beats below his maximum. I think that point based system is an improvement, but it doesnt address the weight issue. Click on the Settings button and you'll find the Trainer Difficulty slider. Im using a quarq crank power meter on my rock and roll while I save up for direct drive. Or weight bonuses for completing events that last for a set amount of days or even hours. Some Zwifters go so far as to social-stalk other riders, comparing their photos to their Zwift weight and calling them out for weight doping. This would include preventing people from entering the wrong (too low) category, and multiple month suspensions (race events would not appear in that persons Zwift application event list, no ability to enter) for using a height or weight that cannot be verified, or miscalibration of a smart trainer. Email if you want to reset everything. Now head back to ZwiftPower, click 'Connect' at the top of the page, then enter your Zwift ID in the box when prompted. We would like to thank the community for your passion and feedback. I just we had a better system than category limits, racing license anybody? We may call it sandbagging or reversed weight doping but its legal . As long as people are using reasonable weight/height and arent cheating or changing it drastically all the time (my scales autoupdate my weight, so mine changes once a day, but by small increments), Im much more interested in being able to see the weight of my teammates so I can properly plan my TTT lineup than I am the weight of my competitors. The bottom line is that in any competition there will always be someone who wants to cheat to win.Read more . I suffer from excess sweating and will easily lose 10kg in a race on Four Horseman, for example (although Im certainly not the norm, but to say no one is untrue). I think Im just heavier than my competition. Frustrating to someone who tries so hard to compete in my weight class to get beat by cheaters. Share your thoughts below! I love reading it. Nailed it. In a race not in Zwift it is very easy for people to recongize who I am. One question I have struggled to answer though which maybe is not a consideration is that on the flat watts is what is required and I also have to push high wkg to stay with groups. That's it! Unless a youth rider, height is generally going to remain the same. I ride B category races & never podium but have been puzzled as I always seem to have a higher w/kg than most of the other riders in the race. In real life, Id dust that guy. I currently weigh 59kgs but my BMI is 25 which technically overweight. Cyclingnews is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. They do? The only trouble is the downhill doesnt take as long of course, so the light advantage is obviously better. Zwift How-To: Adjusting Your Trainer Difficulty | Zwift Had assumed I just rode inefficiently. Not too many people actually want to see other peoples height or weight except to be able to verify race results are reasonable. People can be far to either direction im 25 and my max that I have hit is 217. Someone sandbagging will get promoted out of category and will not be allowed to reg for lower categories. See how you can support Zwift Insider! Finally, just head back to ZwiftPower and click 'Connect to my Account'. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Goodness. If its a big hill, well then w/kg has us equalised. You do you. I did on one and second on the other. Living at 5,900 ft. adds a performance restriction on me, I get it. Since strava is all that matters of course. Bikecalculator suggests not Go to enter an 85kg rider, riding on the drops for 16.2kms (ie an ITT) leaving all else unchanged. thanks for the help with the graphs. w/kg is partially based on real world physics. If people want to cheat, they will and can do so in any uncontrolled situation. There is no disqualification for going over your w/kg limit. But I also did it because I knew it was great practice! I think with a results based system would help as it would the sandbaggers, but it wont eliminate the weight cheats entirely, those that just want to gain a little more w/kg by losing a few virtual pounds. It doesnt appear that people are abiding by the categories. seeing a riders weight in ZP and any changes made to the reported weight may help internet stalkers feel better about their poor race performance but it doesnt actually help identify cheats. I currently use the Garmin Smart Scale so I may invest in the Withings scale. For me its the most fun to see the progress I make on strava, new PR on climbs or on flats (hanging in on the back of a group) If I would lie about my weight I throw off my goals to Improve atleast make them near impossible for the coming time in the End I dont see the funRead more , I reversed dopped by mistake when I first started Zwift putting my height as my weight and weight as my height. It would be easy to deny it was intentional. So am I a super-drafter, the king of indoor efficiency? 2 yr. ago. Completing this first step means that you've given permission to share your results and activity history with ZwiftPower, so now all of your performance and race data can be transferred across to the website. I have climbed well and I have suffered on climbs but also sprinted well. Though our intent is to protect potentially vulnerable users by removing labels that can trigger unhealthy behaviour What are they trying to protect? If it still doesn't work email and they should be able to sort. Everything you need to know about the third-party Zwift results and analysis website. Hardly true Say you train and commit yourself to being honest to achieve better fitness,and also better results, albeit virtually..then someone finishes better than you solely because of the BS numbers they entered. I guess I could play the same game and pretend to be 65kgs (350/65 = an impressive 5.38w/kg), This is where Zwifts scaling of CdA on height and weight gets out of whack with reality. Even some of the regulated weight rides will give 2kg leeway. The guy who got first weighs 106kg on strava but 45kg and only 411 on zwift. Last week I did the prl full and Uber pretzel and tried to get #1 by weight on those segments. Thats hilarious. If you were to meet meRead more . You have lowered your weight and skewed your power graph so it is inaccurate. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). A good portion of that weight difference is in the Hub's 10.3 . Can someone answer why we need the different categories? If I wanted to win I just drop my weight to 65kgs 350w/65kgs is a lot better than 350w/85kgs, of course 350w/65kg is better than 350w/85kg, its a massive increase in w/kg. IRL cycling pros are not exactly heavy weights and lean-ness is highly encouraged. However, I have a lighter and faster son that smokes me head to head. Plus imagine how bigRead more . I once made myself much heavier so I could compete against my 11-year-old son in a head to head Zwift climbing race. Remember - Zwift is a trainingplatform.. and if a rider feels his/hers motivation to ride, is higher when entering 'wrong' it's ok with me..AND obviously with Zwift too. Doing this will bring up a box at the bottom of the browser showing a web address something similar to: Some people, I think, just have a lower HR. Keep it on. Taking that info away further depersonalizes the platform, and and may be fine in group rides, but it is a step closer to racing against bots. Best Zwift setups: Indoor cycling setups to give you the competitive edge. Or theyll ride races 1-2 categories below their actual W/kg so they can still win and feel like that theyre legends.

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