city of liberty hill design standards

Because zoning only applies to areas within the City limits, these standards are nonbinding guidelines for development in the ETJ. Building Permit. A use engaged in the preparation and retail sale of food and beverages, including sale of alcoholic beverages when conducted as an accessory or secondary feature and producing less than fifty (50) percent of the gross income. A facility supporting maintenance, repair, vehicular or equipment servicing, material storage, and similar activities, including corporation yards, equipment service centers, and similar uses having characteristics of commercial services or contracting or industrial activities. Responsibility for Final Action. Recommendations regarding Comprehensive Plan amendments may be by [sic] made by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Recommendations regarding the Code text amendments shall be made by the Planning and Zoning Commission. ____ of the City of Liberty Hill, Texas.. Any accessory use may be permitted provided there is association with a primary use that may be permitted in accordance with Section 4.8 [sic] of this Code. Creating no new or residual parcels not conforming to the requirements of these regulations and related ordinances. The applicant must ensure that the application for a stormwater permit was prepared or reviewed and approved in writing by a licensed professional engineer prior to submission to the City. Civic use types include the performance of utility, educational, recreational, cultural, medical, productive, governmental, and other uses which are strongly vested with public or social importance. A sign designating only the direction of ingress or egress of a parking area or driveway, such as in, entrance, exit, one way, do not enter or no exit.. No application requiring a TIA may be made until the scope of the required study has been determined. The City Administrator or City Engineer may require the provision of mutual access and/or cross-access easements for circulation control. A lot or parcel of land in a zoning district where permitted, on which development rights transferred from a sending parcel, are used. Action Following Preliminary Plat Approval. If the landowner or developer elects to construct the required improvements prior to recording of a subdivision plat, after such plat has been approved, all such construction shall be inspected while in progress; in addition, the construction must be approved upon completion by the City Administrator or his designee. In such a case the burden shall be on the applicant to prove that the Administrators interpretation is unreasonable and in clear conflict with the governing law and the goals of the Comprehensive Plan. COMMERCIAL RECREATION. PDF W.C.E.S.D.No.4/Liberty Hill Fire COCKTAIL LOUNGE (BAR or TAVERN). The landowner or developer shall provide the City Administrator with a certifiable receipt showing that all taxes have been paid in conjunction with the submittal of an application for final plat approval or site development permit issuance. In this case, the final plat will be approved and filed with the County Clerk. D. Recordation. The overburden and reject materials as piled or deposited during surface mining. The city has attempted to provide parks to serve the immediate recreational needs of residents near their homes, but it faces a severe shortage of local recreational space as new subdivisions are approved and the citys population grows. C. The expiration date for a Permit subject to section 4.16 of this Chapter for any eligible Permit as set forth in section 4.16. The total area of all floors of a building measured to the outside surfaces of the exterior walls. A. The City Council may also reduce the buffer width along a property line by an amount not to exceed fifty percent (50%) of the width of a public utility easement if the easement is located on the property line and in the same location or orientation as the buffer yard. A specific use that would not be appropriate generally or without restriction, the granting of which shall be based upon a finding by the Planning and Zoning Commission that certain conditions governing the proposed conditional use as detailed in this Ordinance Code [sic] exist, that the use conforms to the Comprehensive Plan and that it is compatible with the existing neighborhood. CEMETERY. A private access road, drive, or lane to an individual residence, which is contained within the lot or parcel and is not intended to serve any other lot or parcel of land. Preliminary Yield. Dwelling, Attached. 3. A copy of the agreements providing for the proper and continuous operation, maintenance and supervision of such facilities shall be presented to the City Administrator and approved as to form by the City Attorney prior to the time of final plat approval or site development permit issuance and shall be filed of record with the plat or permit. Other activities, including outdoor processing of materials, storage of materials, and display of products are subject to conditional use standards for potential nuisance mitigation. Conditional Uses (Permitted Subject to Conditional Use Standards) (C): indicates that a Conditional Use Permit must be applied for under the provisions of Section 3.07.03. The following section contains definitions applicable to this ordinance. A. Applicability. Typical uses include stockyards and animal sales in auction yards. Flow Attenuation. xi. Surveys and plats submitted for review and Flood Elevation Certificates are required to be referenced to NGVD. Residential Land Use Report Future Development Projects Under Review Resolution 2023-R-003 Public Improvement District Policies Recent Resolution Regarding Public Improvement Districts (PID) City of Round Rock Design and Construction Standards View All Contact Us 512-548-5519 Pay Online Utility Billing Absolute majority. The City of Liberty Hills Comprehensive Plan, as adopted and as amended and periodically updated, is the policy guide for the development of the Unified Development Code. Table 3-1 also provides guidelines for the procedures that apply in the city limits or ETJ. E. The City Administrator is responsible for final action. CONSTRUCTION SALES AND SERVICES. Table 4-4 identifies the standards for lots within each zoning district that have been identified in Section 4.05. The actual start of construction is the placement of slab or footings, piles, columns, or actual placement of a manufactured home. A building, or portion thereof, designed or used exclusively for residential occupancy, including single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings, and multiple-family dwellings, (not including hotels and motels). Substantial Detriment. Any sign located, or proposed to be located, at any place other than upon the property of the business or other activity identified on such a sign. B. Net Site Area. The notice will contain the time and place of such public meeting or hearing and a description of the agenda items that may be considered or reviewed. That the proposed use will comply [with] each of the applicable provisions of these regulations. No sign permit of any kind shall be issued for an existing or proposed sign unless such sign is consistent with the requirements of this Section (including those protecting existing signs) in every respect and with the Master or Common Signage Plan in effect for the property, if applicable. Loc. F. Multifamily Residential (MF1). 2. About Liberty Hill The City of Liberty Hill is located in Williamson County north of the City of Leander. RESOURCE EXTRACTION. VETERINARY SERVICES. The Gross Floor Area minus the area of stairwells, elevator shafts, equipment rooms, interior vehicular parking or loading, areas devoted exclusively to storage; and minus all floors below the first floor level, except when these used for human habitation or service to the public. A street which, in addition to providing access to properties abutting thereon, carries traffic to an activity center or higher classification street. A. Development applications shall be prepared and submitted in a format acceptable to the City Administrator. For purpose of this subchapter, easements and other appurtenances shall be considered outside such property. D. Signs and Attention-Attracting Devices. A. Applicability. Establishments or places of business engaged in sale from the premises of feed, grain, fertilizers, pesticides and similar goods or in the provision of agriculturally related services with incidental storage on lots other than where the service is rendered. E. Change of use: Whenever a land use changes, any nonconforming sign must be modified or removed so as to be in full compliance with these sign regulations. They include such features as bluffs, springs, canyon rim rocks, caves, sinkholes and wetlands. To promote the aesthetics, safety, health, morals and general welfare, and the assurance of protection of adequate light and air by regulation of the position, displaying, erection, use and maintenance of signs; C. To promote the efficient transfer of general public and commercial information through the use of signs; D. To enhance the overall appearance and economic value of the landscape, and preserve the unique natural environment that distinguishes the City and surrounding area. Sound Pressure. Any sign affixed to a wall of a building in a nonparallel manner. C. Statutory Vested Rights. More Information Any questions regarding the Design Criteria and Technical Specifications, public works projects, or this process should be directed to the Engineering Division at 816.439.4500. Modular residence construction shall be in accordance with the Texas Manufactured Housing Standards Act and shall include the plumbing, heating/air conditioning and electrical systems to be contained in the structure. D. Uses Not Listed: The City Administrator or the Councils designee shall use the descriptions found in Chapter 10 [8.00] to determine how an unlisted use should be treated. A. Applicability. Applications submitted to the City for consideration of a permit for construction. Multiuse Sign. Although permitted under the previous paragraph, a sign designation by an A or P in Table 6-2 shall be allowed only if: 1. E. Basis for Appeal. 6. Site. The term modular home or residence shall not mean nor apply to a mobile home as defined in the Texas Manufactured Housing Standards Act, nor is it to include building modules incorporating concrete or masonry as a primary component. The TIA will follow the criteria outlined in the City of Round Rock Transportation Criteria Manual, Section 2, as amended. However, the absence of such a statement shall not be determinative as to whether the ordinance is or is not exempted. A final plat that requires a preliminary plan and concurrent construction plans for streets and infrastructure of the Land Development Code. Electric Sign. Apartment Building. Each zoning district also contains lot standards that apply to those lots within the zoning district. Odorous Matter. If greater than fifty (50) percent and less than the total, the City Council, may grant a permit for repair after public hearing and having due regard for the property rights of the persons affected when considered in the light of the public welfare and the character of the area surrounding the designated nonconforming use and of the conservation and preservation of property. Criteria for Approval. Subdivision, Minor. This information will be published in the Administrative Procedures Manual. E. Replatting a portion of a recorded lot is not permitted. Lot Line, Rear. Do not create disturbing or offensive noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odor, heat, glare, unhealthy or unsightly condition, traffic, or parking problem; B. PDF Liberty Hill Design Review Standards - Stonehill Village B. Comprehensive Drainage Plan. A. Member City Website: Region: 10-Highland Lakes-Austin Area County: Williamson Address: PO Box 1920 Liberty Hill, TX 78642-1920 Phone: (512) 778-5449 Council Date: (2 & 4 M 6:30 P.M.) Year Incorporated: Submission requirements for the final plat will be developed by the City Administrator. Pedestrian, vehicle, water, wastewater and drainage improvements must be extended to the perimeter of a subdivision. Approval of Water Distribution Plans, 5. Also included in certain sections of this Chapter are recommended guidelines that are not mandatory and not legally enforceable outside of the city limits of Liberty Hill. Fiscal surety is for the purpose of securing the estimated cost of completing capital improvements, should the City find it necessary to complete the improvements instead of the landowner or developer. A sign (made of any material) that is tacked, nailed, posted, pasted, glued or otherwise attached to trees, poles, stakes, fences or other objects, with the subject matter appearing thereon not being applicable to the use of the premises upon which such sign is located. A. Applicability. Public Sewerage System. A Zoning Verification Letter is a letter that indicates to a property owner that a specified use, clearly identified in the application, is permitted within the zoning district. Current practices of the City of Liberty Hill. A site development permit shall be required for all site developments as described or exempted below: A. AVIATION FACILITIES. Typical uses include wholesale plant nurseries and greenhouses. All improvements reflected on approved site plans must be constructed at the time of development. A project developed pursuant to a subdivision or site plan, proposed to be developed in sections. Waste. LOCAL UTILITY SERVICES. Any facilities owned and maintained in common by the inhabitants of the development, including, but not limited to, drives, water systems, sewer systems, parking areas, open space, club houses, amenities, and developed recreation areas. The first application must be submitted within twelve (18) [sic] months from the date site plan approval is granted. In cases where state or federal laws supersede the Citys requirements, then the applicable state or federal requirements shall apply. Any person who violates any provision of this Code is subject to a civil penalty of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00), or more as permitted by law, for each act of violation and for each day of violation. G. Multifamily Residential (MF2). H. Reinstatement of a lapsed approval shall require the applicant to pursue the same submittal and to obtain approval as an original application. A bar preventing one from making an allegation or a denial that contradicts what one has previously stated as the truth. Typical uses include providing the following products or furniture stores, and establishments providing the following products or services: household cleaning and maintenance products, drugs, cards, stationery, notions, books, tobacco products, cosmetics, and specialty items, flowers, plants, hobby materials, toys, and handcrafted items; apparel, jewelry, fabrics, and like items; cameras, photography services, household electronic equipment, records, sporting equipment, kitchen utensils, home furnishing appliances, art supplies and framing, arts, and antiques, paint and wallpaper, carpeting and floor covering, interior decorating services, office supplies, bicycles, and auto parts (inside a building with no repair services). Side Yard. That the conditions that create the need for the variance do not generally apply to other property in the vicinity. A plat or replat or site development permit will not be approved unless the proposed lot(s) or development is connected to a water supply system which is capable of providing adequate water for health and emergency purposes. The regulations and restrictions of the Board of Adjustment (BOA) for the City of Liberty Hill will be pursuant to the provisions of applicable statutory requirements of the State of Texas. A residential use, structure, or building incidental to the principal permitted or conditionally approved use on a site, whether comprising a portion of the principal structure on the site or located within an accessory structure or building. Covered sign faces must be of a material or substance that renders the resulting sign face completely blank, opaque, and resistant to deterioration. The Board of Adjustment (BOA) shall review Variance requests. Wherever this Code imposes a higher standard than that required by any other ordinance or requirement, the provisions of this Code shall govern to the extent permitted by law. D. Setback Measurements. GIS Maps & Data - Williamson County, Texas The City Administrator shall publish public notice at least once in a local newspaper of general circulation within the City at least 15 days in advance of the meeting or hearing. Corners of all lots, block corners, street right-of-way P.C.s and P.T.s shall be marked with corner markers. Restaurants are specifically excluded from this definition. Additionally, as provided in subsection (g) of this section, this section shall not apply to the types of ordinances, or other governmental action, enumerated in VTCA Local Government Code 245.004 or exempt from the requirements of Local Government Code 43.002. Minimum requirements. B. Approval of applications for development is based (among other bases for consideration described in this Code) upon the proposed developments conformance with existing policies (including the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Map, and Code). A dwelling not a mobile home or manufactured home, on its own lot, and designed, arranged, or used exclusively for the use and occupancy of two families living independently of each other. I. Chapter 6, Site Development, has additional standards that pertain to both residential and nonresidential lots. Animal hospitals, stables, or kennels; 5. 20% of the land with a gradient of more than 25% and not more than 35%. A copy of the notice will be filed at the Office of the City Administrator, where it will be available for public inspection during regular office hours. G. 7,500 sq. The uses permitted on the property, including population densities and/or building intensities and height; iv. Amending Plat. Best practices in the planning and land development professions. This overlay applies in the area identified as the Downtown Overlay District on the Official Zoning Map. Dwelling, Single-family. Sign Structure. Any such prohibition must be prospective and shall not apply to a mobile home previously legally permitted and used or occupied as a residential dwelling within the city. STOCKYARDS. However, these lot standards shall apply to areas previously outside the City limits after they are incorporated and then zoned through annexation procedures. F. Variance. C. Responsibility for Final Action. B. A person authorized to issue citations for violations as provided in this section may cause to be removed any vehicle found to be in violation. Culvert. For the purposes of these regulations, a minor plat subdivision is defined as a subdivision: Involving not more than five (5) lots fronting on an existing approved street; and, Not involving any new street or prospectively requiring any new street for access to interior property; and, Not requiring extension of public sewage or water lines to serve properties at the rear; and. Demolition by Neglect. Lot design standards within the Liberty Hill City limits are categorized by Zoning District. If the applicant elects to proceed without making any changes, modifications, or corrections to the application, the applicant may request action as provided in 3.05.02.C below. 5. Upon submission of a proposed development application related to the Letter of Regulatory Compliance or Written Interpretation, the Letter of Regulatory Compliance or Written Interpretation shall expire according to Table 3-2 unless the proposed development is not pursued. Any motor vehicle, trailer or semi-trailer, or watercraft that is inoperative and left unattended on public or private property; or that has remained illegally on public or private property; or that has remained on public or private property and (a) does not display valid registration plates or (b) displays registration plates of another vehicle. See Rules of Measurement. An applicant may not appeal the disapproval or denial without effectively establishing that the specific basis for the administrative disapproval or denial was incorrect. 4. Open Space. The Citys Comprehensive Plan and any other adopted plans as they relate to: i. The grade of the finished ground level at the midpoint of each exterior surface of a sign, or that of a structure to which a sign has been attached. C. A statement of the legal subdivision name, including lot, block and recording information. The purpose of the Unified Development Code (UDC or Code) is to promote the public health, safety, general welfare and quality of life of the present and future citizens of the City of Liberty Hill. That portion of a building having more than one-half (1/2) of its height below lot grade elevation. Projecting Sign. The City Council has responsibility for hearing and taking final action on the following procedures described in this Code. Global Positioning System - a technology used to identify exact geographical coordinates for use in surveying and planning. In other words, maximum impervious cover applies to an entire development, whereas maximum lot coverage applies to individual lots. A parcel of land which that [sic] has been legally subdivided and recorded in the official public records of Williamson County. The applicant has been actively and diligently attempting to pursue and complete development of the project that is the subject of the vested rights; and. The City may refuse to authorize or make utility connections on the grounds set forth in Tex. D. Building Height Restriction. Vehicle Sign. Any sign erected at a private residence identifying its address or the residents name. C. A stormwater permit will be issued after the City Engineer has determined that the development meets the stormwater and pollution management requirements of Chapter 5 of this Code. iii. 6. To change the zoning district boundaries shown on the Official Zoning Map. To meet with potential applicants in preapplication conferences as described in this Code; 4. All other words and phrases shall be given their common, ordinary meaning, unless the context clearly requires otherwise. Any combination of trees, ground cover, shrubs, vines, flowers or lawn planted in the ground or in ground level-containers. For the purposes of this Ordinance Code [sic], noxious plants include: poison ivy, poison oak, kudzu and other plants that cause harm either because they are capable of causing harm to humans and animals by chemical reaction or are nonnative invasive species which that [sic] overwhelm native species and determined to be undesirable by the county or the state. C. Cooperate with area governmental entities to ensure water quantity. In the case of the granting of an administrative exception, an allowance for adjustment of a numerical standard by the City Administrator or Board of Adjustment may be made, up to 10% from the minimum or maximum numerical standard. Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District. A public or private right-of-way which that [sic] affords a primary means of vehicular access to abutting property, whether designated as a street, avenue, highway, road, boulevard, lane throughway, or however otherwise designated, but does not include driveways to buildings. Approval Criteria (Rezoning). A development project that includes two or more types of uses. A Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) is a human scale, walk able community with moderate to high residential densities and a mixed use core. In such case, the city council shall determine fair market value upon consideration of both appraisals. The following are commercial recreational use types: Indoor Sports and Recreation. Lot Line, Front. J. Dwelling Unit. Immediate family. Uncovered and unenclosed decks, porches, landings, balconies, and stairways (the portion of which is less than thirty [30] inches above grade). To protect the abutting and surrounding residential areas, certain restrictions are placed on the intensity of uses and emphasis is placed on standards for lighting, buffering, parking and location of driveway access. Deliveries by commercial vehicle occur generally between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. with the exception of package couriers; 6. The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans or plats, site or facility designs, or specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of this Code or any other City ordinance. Intrafamily transfer. Establishments or places of business primarily engaged in the sale, rental or repair of equipment and supplies used by office, professional and service establishments to the firms themselves rather than to individuals, but excludes automotive, construction and farm equipment. The fiscal surety shall be for the purpose of securing the estimated cost of completing such improvements, should the City find it necessary to complete the improvements in lieu of the landowner or developer. C. Computation of Height. This review period will be used to determine the number of days for all time limits within this Code. Building coverage is measured from the faces of the walls, not the eaves of the roof. Flood Protection Elevation (FPE). A sign with two faces that are usually, but not necessarily, parallel. If the applicant refuses to accept alternative resolution of the dispute, the appeal will be heard and acted upon by the BOA no later than its next meeting. Basement. City Engineer A site or portion of a site located off of a public road devoted to the loading or unloading of motor vehicles or trailers, including loading berths, aisles, access drives, and landscaped areas. Rules for setback averaging are shown in the diagrams. City of Round Rock Design and Construction Standards Infill will require adherence to be consistent with the stated zoning classification. The final grade or elevation of the ground surface conforming to the proposed design. To act and serve as staff for each review body designated by this Code; and. Yard. Low Density Residential (SF1). Both parties will equally share any costs associated with the alternative dispute resolution process, unless they agree otherwise in writing. A sign, generally informational, that has a purpose secondary to the use of the lot on which it is located, such as no parking, entrance, loading only, telephone, an address, and other similar directives limited to four square feet. When the City Administrator determines not to be feasible, an in lieu of fee may be assessed to provide adequate parking at another location. G. Protection of persons and property from erosion, flood or water damage, fire, noise, glare and similar hazards of impacts. Existing Residential usage will be allowed to continue unless the usage changes. Equipment Sales. Stable, Commercial. Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). Person. Prior to taking civil action, the City shall notify the defendant of the provisions of the Code that are being violated.

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